But it turned out to be a great day after all. Because we needed to nurse more often to get rid of the plugged duct, Mom scrapped The Routine (Eat, Activity, Sleep in that order, every 3 hours, per The Baby Whisperer) and we just winged it. She didn't even write down what I did and when I did it. It worked out great - I got to eat a lot, we played, and I took an almost 2 hour nap in the afternoon! And Mom got to catch up on some cleaning and get a few more pages into Harry Potter. (Shhh ... don't tell her how it ends! Although they'll probably come out with the movie before she'll get to finish reading the book.) It was a win-win ... it's not just a bad idea to just let go sometimes.
We also took a quick trip to the supermarket today and a stroller ride around the neighborhood once it cooled off in the late afternoon.
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