Well, Memere and Grandpa came to visit this weekend and got to witness some major milestones in my life! As you can see, Grandpa got me to giggle for the first time -- I can't decide whether I was laughing with him or at him.
And, in perhaps the most important development, I STTN (that's "slept through the night" for those of you not in the know) for the first time last night. I've actually been trying to do this for a week or more now, but Mom kept thwarting me. See, she just couldn't resist running to my crib every time she heard a peep out of me, even though she knows that babies in REM sleep can kick, make noises, and even cry a bit! She says it's because she loves me and wants to know I'm OK. But after the other night when she slept on my floor and kept replacing the swaddling blanket I kicked off in my sleep, she decided to just let me be unless I was actually crying. She even turned the monitor down a bit so she wouldn't hear every little sound. And the result? Not a peep from me until 4 am, when she checked and I was asleep but kicking and had one leg out of the swaddle. She left me alone and I slept until 5 am!! When she came in, I had completely wrestled myself out of the swaddle (and this is the Miracle Blanket we're talking about, no easy feat) and was ready to eat. I had been asleep since just before 9 pm, so that's 8 hours! I ate and, after a much-needed diaper change, went back to sleep at 6 am for another 40 minutes or so. Then, it was up to greet the sun at 6:45 am!
We'll see how it goes tonight ... I'll report back!
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