So we had my 6 month appointment today. For those of you who are keeping track, I am now 27 1/2 inches tall (putting me in the 75th percentile), weigh 17 pounds (50th percentile) and have a head circumference of 17 1/4 inches (they didn't give a percentile for this one.)
I got some shots today, but we held off on 2 of them until next month so that I didn't have to get 5 different shots today! One of the shots I got was the flu shot, so hopefully that will keep me healthy this winter. I'm on track with all of my developmental milestones and everything else looks great.
Here's my monthly "pose with the bear" shot. Enjoy!
6 months....such a big milestone!! He is such a sweet boy!
Happy 6 months Nolan, you are such a cutie!
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