Greetings from the nursery! Six weeks, four days into my life on the outside, mom and I have decided to start a blog. Since I'm still keeping my fists tightly closed, mom will be typing and I'll dictate. My main goal for this blog is to keep track of what I do all day, just in case I ever need alibi.
So here we go!
What We Did Today
I woke up around 7 am really hungry, so mom took me into bed with her and fed me. Then, we got up and played on my blankets for awhile and mom changed my diapers several times - I was saving up all the good stuff overnight. I ate again around 8 and we took another cat nap before officially starting our day again. We sang a few songs and I did some exercises until 10:30, when I ate again and we took a stroller ride around the 'hood. It was so beautiful out that I couldn't sleep! We came back and mom carried me around awhile in her
Moby wrap while we listened to some lullabies on the CD Nana gave me. I drifted off to sleep around noon and woke up a little before 1 pm when I found my way out of the half-assed swaddle mom put me in. Meanwhile, Dad was at Ikea and brought
back some fun stuff for me - a cute plush turtle and a collapsible basket to store all of my toys.
Later, we took a trip into Old Town, where everyone goes to see and be seen in their strollers. Did I tell you I have a sweet ride? I took a nice nap while mom and dad walked around. We couldn't go into any shops because all of them have stairs leading into them. Not very friendly to strollers or wheelchairs. We were wondering whether the Americans with Disabilities Act doesn't apply because it's a historic area?
When we got home, we settled into our new bedtime routine (see below), and I drifted off to sleep around 8 pm.
Nolan's Nap LogNap #1
I fell asleep at 8 am after nursing in bed and slept for about 45 minutes. Well, at least mom did, anyway :) She'll never know what I was
really up to.
Nap #2
I fell asleep at noon after nursing at 10 am, storytime, a stroller ride, and about a half an hour bouncing around my nursery listening to Classical Lullabies. Mom swaddled me up and placed me in my crib while track 5, Fur Elise by Beethoven, was playing. Note to mom ... remember track 5!
Nap #3
I fell asleep around 2:30 pm on Dad's chest, and was moved into my carseat and then into my stroller for a walk. I slept while Mom and Dad got lunch and then walked around Old Town. I slept for about 2 hours!
Number of naps I should be getting: 3
Number of naps I am getting: 3 (well done!)
Number of hours I should be napping: 5-6
Number of hours I am napping: 5 (gold star! though does it count if I'm not in my crib?!)
Nolan's Prebedtime Routine Log(Classical Lullabies playing in background the entire time.)
7 pm - bath
7:15 pm - massage and change into PJs
7:45 pm - nurse, fuss, nurse some more, fuss, nurse, fall asleep
8:10 pm - swaddled and placed into my bassinet.
Nolan's Night-waking Log#1 - I woke up hungry at 11:45 and mom fed me for about 20 minutes. Sorry, mom, I know I used to sleep until almost 2 am! But I fell right back asleep after nursing.
#2 - I woke up again at 2:45 am and mom fed me for about 15 minutes. This time I didn't go back to sleep as easily, it took a little walking and bouncing me around but I was asleep again by 3:30 am, but mom told me I was a noisy sleeper so I don't know how well I slept.
#3 - I woke up at 4:45 am and mom fed me for about 15 minutes. She tried to put me down, but I was up again after about a half and hour of noisy sleep (I have a lot of gas, what can I say?). She fed me again for 15 minutes and I think I went back to sleep. Neither of us can remember!
#4 - The next thing we knew it was 7:15 am and I was ready to eat and get up. I only ate a bit because I was having a little, shall we say, gastrointestinal distress. I get this every morning, and we can't figure out why. It makes me scream bloody murder, and it almost wakes up Dad. Almost. I needed 2 diaper changes in a row. The first one might have weighed 5 lbs! Needless to say, after all of this I couldn't get right back to sleep so Mom took me out to the living room while she made some breakfast for herself. At about 8:45 am I started feeling tired again, so Mom carried me and bounced me around until I fell asleep. (I guess what we counted as a nap yesterday should have been part of my nighttime sleep, oops!)
Total number of awakenings: 4
Longest sleep span: 3 hours
Total hours of nighttime sleep I should be getting: 10
Total hours of nighttime sleep I am getting: