So today was day #2 of rain, so Mom and I decided we'd head into D.C. to go to our first Baby & Me yoga class at
Tranquil Space. Yup, it's the first time we've gotten to go since I was born. I was one of the oldest babies there ... there were so many teeny tiny newborns there. Anyhow, the studio is on the second floor of a walk-up townhouse in Dupont Circle, so Mom had quite a time getting the stroller, all of our stuff, and me in there! But we made it.
I was a good boy until about halfway through when I started to get fussy. I was really hungry but just couldn't concentrate on eating with everything going on - all those cute, younger girl babies (I was wearing my "Chick Magnet" onesie today). Mom even took me into a quiet dressing room to nurse but I wasn't having it. Eventually, we had to just pack it in and leave class early. Then, after lugging the stroller back three sets of stairs and pushing me in the misting rain back to the car, guess what Mom found on the windshield?!? A parking ticket! Poor Mom ...