Save the date, ladies and gentlemen, for the 3-day extravaganza we're calling Swaddle-palooza, when Mom and Dad will forgo sleep for an entire weekend (er, only if necessary) to wean me off of the swaddle. Since birth they've been wrapping me up tight to sleep but recently I've been breaking out of it at all hours (and even trying to roll over swaddled), so it's time to quit. But we can't go cold turkey because I have a strong startle reflex and can't even get to sleep without the swaddle because I keep smacking myself in the face with one of the two arms I can't control!
We're not sure yet when this exciting event will be held, it all depends on how Mom's experiments at naptime go. She's been swaddling me with one arm out so I can get used to it. Then, we'll try with both arms out. So it may be another few weeks before we're ready to give it a go at night. But we'll keep you posted!