Hopefully I'll get around to adding some recent pictured to the blog soon. But until then, some updates.
Nolan has gotten quite good at small talk and manners. Every night on the car ride home or at the dinner table, Nolan asks each of us, "How was your day?" We tell him, and ask how his day was in response. He always says, "Fine!" At dinner tonight, Dad finished his meal first, and Nolan asked, "Daddy want more?"
He's also showing just how perceptive he is, and letting us into his thoughts. We've been reading a book about how Curious George went to the museum and climbed to the top of a dinosaur skeleton. A day or so after reading the book for the first time, I was giving Nolan a bath and out of the blue he said, "Curious George not happy. Dinosaur happy." It took me awhile to realize he was remembering the cover of the book, with a picture of Curious George hugging the head of the dinosaur skeleton's head. Curious George was frowning, nervous about getting in trouble. And the jawbones of the dinosaur's head made it look like the dinosaur was smiling. So cute, I would have never noticed that and Nolan remembered it 24 hours later!
He's also got an excellent memory. He's memorized most of his favorite books, and can now "read" a few of them cover to cover with very little prompting. I sing "Hush Little Baby" to him every night, and recently I've been only singing half of each verse to him and letting him fill in the rest. Tonight, he sang the entire song along with me - all 10 verses. It was SOOOO sweet. I wish I could have recorded it.
I'll share more soon!
-- Post From My iPhone