Monday, June 30, 2008

"I see a fire truck, a big red shiny fire truck ..."

One of my favorite new toys has got to be this ride-on/push fire truck. I haven't figured out how to make it go myself yet, but I love getting pushed all around the house on it. I also love pushing it myself using the push bar on the back. The songs it plays are fun, too. Mom says it's not bad, as far as kids toy songs go, and has a dramatic Broadway-esque crescendo that she and Dad like singing along to ...

I see a fire truck, a big red shiny fire truck

I see a fire truck, coming 'round the bend ...

[cue dramatic music]

... and ... there's ... a ... noisy siren wailing on that truck!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Birthday par-tay!

Well, my birthday party on June 7th was lots of fun. We had so many people come from all over to celebrate - Aunt Carly came with a broken hand from California, Mom's cousin Lynn and Uncle Dave and Aunt Marci flew in from Boston, and Mom's cousin Heather drove up from North Carolina. And of course Memere and Grandpa drove down from Connecticut.

It was a really hot day but we all kept cool with ice cold drinks ...

... and frequent trips inside to soak up the a/c. I was having fun running circles around this giant stack of gifts (you can also see the beautiful rocking horse Grandpa made me in the picture) until I tripped and fell and cut my frenulum. I got blood all over my adorable custom-made birthday onesie :( But I was OK after just a few minutes.

After that unfortunately incident and a quick wardrobe change, it was time to eat cake and sing birthday songs. And I noticed it was that dumb cupcake again, this time in cake form. When will Mom get the picture that I do not like her healthy chocolate cake!?!?

Quiet birthday at home

That night, we ate dinner with Memere and Grandpa and those cupcakes showed up AGAIN. Once again, I tossed it aside.

Birthday at daycare

So finally, birthday pictures! Mom brought cupcakes in to daycare to celebrate my actual birthday on June 5th. I wasn't a fan.

What? I like Indian food.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mom guest blogs again

Since we're slacking on putting up a first birthday party post (just waiting for pictures to be uploaded) I thought I'd pop in to share a few of our favorite things that Nolan is doing right now.

1. He gives us the "bro hug" -- he pats us on the back while he is hugging us, it's just too cute
2. The vampire teeth smile -- when will those two top middle teeth come in?!?
3. The "salute" -- must be all of those Army Corps guys he sees every day at work, but he does a little salute instead of waving most of the time
4. He does have a cute little wave, although it's hard to tell what it is because his palm faces him rather than out and he just opens and closes his fingers
5. The way he chugs water from his sippy, often holding just one of the two handles, or double-fists: sippy of milk in one hand, sippy of water in the other, alternating sips
6. The face he makes when he eats something he doesn't like -- he doesn't scrunch his face up in disgust like some kids do, or make any verbal protests. His facial expression stays just the same--the old poker face--but he just opens his mouth sticks out his tongue and lets the offending bite of food fall out.
7. His reaction to seeing Dad, or one of the cats, first thing in the morning. He makes fists with both of his hands, his eyes light up and he hops up and down, all while making that "haaaa" sound one makes when trying to imitate the sound of a roaring crowd ("And the crowd goes wild ...")
8. How he rides in the stroller. In the Maclaren, which I take to and from work, instead of reclining back and relaxing, Nolan sits forward with a big smiles on his face, as if the wind is just blowing though his hair. In the Bugaboo, he grabs the bar in front of the seat, like he's the one driving the thing. It's so cute. In both strollers, if we're standing still Nolan will shift his body weight back and forth so that the front of the stroller rolls from side to side.
9. Nolan is quite the morning person. While it may not be so endearing on a Saturday morning, I love how bright-eyed and friendly he is when I am taking him to work in the morning. Every single day, people riding up on the elevator with us comment about how happy and awake he looks, and that makes me feel good.
10. His big, blue eyes melt me all the time.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Even Dad gets to guest blog

Dad wants to get in on the blog action. I have granted him the title of "Special Birthday Correspondent" for this occasion. Take it away, Dad...

What can I say? It was a year ago right now that I was holding you in my arms, looking at you with utter amazement. We had seen your picture in ultrasounds, heard your heartbeat through a doppler, and tried to guess what color your hair would be, your weight (you had us guessing there for a little while), and length. Nothing could have prepared us for the handsome boy that appeared at 9:39 am. There was no denying you were ours -- you and Mom bonded immediately after you were born, and when it was my turn to hold you, I fell in love. You transformed us...each day is a new adventure and a new chance to be part of your life.

You are an amazing 1 year old. Your laugh, your one-handed crawling, your little dance in your highchair, your wonderment at the things we all take for granted (and Truman) is all part of what makes you you. You are truly a joy. Thank you for being part of our life.

Happy Birthday, Son!

Guest blogger: One year ago this morning ...

Mom asked if she could be a guest blogger today, so I let her. I did feel sorta wierd blogging about my own birthday. Take it away, Mom!

One year ago this morning (9:39 am, to be exact), Mommy and Daddy got to meet the sweetest little boy on the planet! It seems like only yesterday, we can't believe you're one year old today. You continue to amaze us and make us laugh every day. We have had so much fun with you these past 12 months and we can't wait to see what you will do next! Happy birthday Nolan!

This afternoon Mom and Dad are coming to daycare for a little celebration (with healthy cupcakes they made last night) and then we're headed out early. We are all taking off of work tomorrow to have fun with Memere and Grandpa and get ready for the big party on Saturday!