I know what you're thinking -- I've got more entries today than Perez Hilton! (I wish.) Anyhow, I wanted to update you all on my new tricks. Now that I'm a old man (12 weeks old), I am:
- grabbing things, like this cute carrot rattle (thanks, Susan and Ava!), Dad's glasses, and Mom's hair ... Mom can't wait until I find Truman's tail
- managing to get my fingers and sometimes my entire fist in my mouth
- reading (or at least paying attention to the books Mom reads to me)
- working on rolling over (I end up on my side a lot, can't get that bottom arm out of the way)
- giggling a lot and smiling
- negotiating my first book contract (just kidding ... wanted to make sure you're paying attention)
- still not taking a pacifier ... he he! I'm holding out for my thumb